Fantasy author passionate about bringing deep worlds to life.


Dan Hanly is a Welsh author of fantasy and mystery. He has a passion for telling stories in the Fantasy, Mystery and Psychological Thriller genres, and any opportunity to combine those genres is the prime place to find his works.

Read My Works


The Great Leap (Children of Inauron: Book 1)

Banished deep into the wilderness for a crime they didn’t commit, four desperate teenagers must discover their true potential to survive… and keep their blossoming supernatural abilities hidden from a cunning, deceptive enemy.







"This place in which they walked was primaeval, an ancient forest that had formed along with the land itself..."

— The Great Leap (2024)

"An excellent plot that is riveting, you're never quite sure what is going on until all the pieces fall into place at the end."

— Review for "Damn" (2017)

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"This is why you're special. You can endure so much and still come out the other side caring for others more than yourself. You always put others first."

— The Great Leap (2024) 


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