I had the distinct pleasure at being a guest on the writing podcast TheTinyBookcase just before Christmas, and the two episodes are now finally launched for your listening pleasure.
What is TheTinyBookcase Podcast?
The Tiny Bookcase is just like any bookcase, it’s filled to the brim with lovely stories, or it will be, once we get enough tales tiny enough to fit on it!
Join Nico and Ben, in their quest to craft enough tiny stories to fill the bookcase, get to know some new literary friends, and share it with all of you.

TheTinyBookcase is a brilliant podcast where authors both large and small are given the opportunity to flex their storytelling muscles. Most episodes featuring a guest are split into two sessions, with the first episode centring around a fun storytelling exercise and the second episode centring around an indepth interview.
The storytelling exercise in this podcast is quite unique: each guest selects a single word prompt from a list, and then the guest along with hosts Ben & Nico write a short story inspired by that single word prompt. What follows are usually three distinctly unique stories all related to or wrapping around that central one-word concept. As an author, this exercise was challenging but also inspiring, giving me the opportunity to really show what I can do as a storyteller.
TheTinyBookcase podcast recently won the 2024 British Fantasy Award for Best Audio.
Podcast Episode #199 – Banquet

Listen to Episode #199 of TheTinyBookcase
I met Ben & Nico at the British Fantasy Awards Banquet, so I selected the prompt ‘Banquet’ in which to base our stories. It’s impressive how each of our three stories in this episode are unique in their settings, and their vibes. It’s well worth a listen to see for yourself.
Nico’s story set in some demonic fae hell had some incredible imagery and a torturous ending. My fantasy noir story set in a Victorian-inspired noble banquet forces you to listen for all the clues as what’s really happening. Ben’s story serves as a imagined follow-up to the story of King Arthur after the battle that takes his life, and features some gruesome druids as they try to find Arthur’s iconic sword.
Podcast Episode #200 – Interview

Listen to Episode #200 of TheTinyBookcase
In this episode, I was grilled by Ben & Nico about how my identity affects my storytelling, touching on what it means to be Welsh, what it means to have ADHD and exist in this challenging creative space, and we go in-depth about my writing habits for you all to gain an insight into who I am, and why I write.
The boys also dig down into what inspired The Great Leap and speak about where I’m planning to take the Children of Inauron series.
I hope you all enjoy these episodes, and I have my fingers crossed for many more like it to come!
If you enjoyed this podcast, I highly recommend subscribing on your favourite podcast listening platform. If you’re feeling particularly generous, Ben & Nico have a patreon that they rely upon to help support the show and I’m certain they’d be thankful for anything you can provide.