Category: Writing Tips
WritIng A Captivating Short Story: the Art of Storytelling Within A Word Count
Unlock the secrets to writing a compelling short story or flash fiction that will leave your readers spellbound. In the realm of fantasy writing, where intricate worlds and epic sagas often unfold across countless pages, the art of crafting a captivating short story holds a unique allure. With a limited word count, every sentence, every…
Wrangling Your First Draft: Embracing Revisions
Conquer first draft fear! This guide explores why initial drafts are always rough and provides practical tips for embracing revision and transforming your writing from “meh” to “marvellous”.
Conquering Fear: Driving Character Development with fear
Fear. It’s a primal emotion that grips us all, from the bravest warrior to the meekest villager. As we approach halloween, I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to understand this emotion, and how it can influence us, both in terms of characters within a story, and within our real lives. So, to address…
Tightening the Screws: Building Tension In Dark Fantasy
7 secrets to writing terrifyingly tense dark fantasy. Uncover the tools of tension, dread, suspense, and psychological horror. Leave your readers gasping for more…